Wednesday, December 2, 2009

November 28th

The Clemson vs Carolina game. Yes we lost. Yes we played terribly. Yes I'm over it. Are you? This game really was horrible and horrible in a boring kind of way. After halftime I was so completely over it I wished I could have walked out. Maybe it has to do with the fact that by this time of year I am completely footballed out. I can only pretend so long. Here are some pictures from the day:

me and the hubs

feature twirler, Kerri


Tiger Twirlers

Tiger Dancers

Tiger Guard

I'm diggin' the new flags

I thought my brother might be in this general area...still not sure if one of them is him

Carolina's dancers - the Coquettes


  1. I saw your comment and adorable profile pic on MODG. We have the same celeb hair icons!
