Friday, September 21, 2012

five friday confessions

  • Sometimes I regret having season tickets because I keep thinking that's a weekend I could be working on the house.
  • The hubs is excited about buying a shed for the lawn mower because I might have mentioned that we could decorate it as Santa's Workshop for Christmas. 
  • I'm addicted to buying clothes for Quinn off ebay. I do not apologize for this though because I get to dress him in the fancy boutique clothes for nearly 90% off.
  • I realized I have almost no fall clothes for Quinn. I had to put him in a 3m fleece zip up hoodie this morning. Good thing he's little enough to fit it in ha!
  • I don't wash our sheet nearly as often as I should. I think that needs to be added to the to-do list for the weekend.

and a random picture of my big boy
{because I can}


  1. You regret having season tickets?! It's 7 weekends out of the year! You hush your mouth and do your housework during the other 45 weekends

  2. I feel like my kiddos are lacking in fall clothing, too! I should check ebay... I've not in a while!! I'm bad about washing sheets, too! My goal is once a week, but every other happens more often!

  3. Enjoy the games! The house will come together eventually!
