Monday, October 14, 2013

slow it down

Not sure how, but we managed to get up on Sunday in time to go to church. Probably what got me out of bed was the fact that we had another busy day planned. We were getting our picture taken for the church directory at 12:15, then zooming off to our old house for the afternoon. We're between renters and wanted to spruce up the yard with some fresh mulch.

Well, God must have been serious about keeping Sunday as a day of rest because after church everything else got canceled. The photographer never showed to take the pictures and my mom called to say the mulch lady had forgotten and went out on the lake for the day!

We all relaxed for the afternoon, taking naps and snuggling on the couch.

Apparently two lovies weren't enough. He had to hold onto four! Sweet boy.

We are totally the best parents ever. While the hubs and I recovered on the couch, we let Quinn play how he saw fit, including climbing into the bed of his truck. That devilish grin was right after I told him to get down. Boys.

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