Tuesday, August 21, 2012

tips and tricks: the diaper bag (for cloth moms)

When it came to picking out a diaper bag I was completely lost. Have you seen the floor to ceiling wall of bags at Buy Buy Baby?? How do you pick except based on color? I tried to do some internet research but let's be honest here, there's so much info and I was so overwhelmed that I easily gave up.

I ended up picking the Skip Hop Via Messenger based on a suggestion from a blog I read. She basically said it was the bees knees and her husband didn't hate it.

It is pretty cool looking, has lots of pockets, clips onto the handles of the stroller, built in changing pad. I added it to the registry and checked it off my to-do list. Now while it is a great diaper bag, it quickly became too small for us. Since we use cloth diapers, we need a lot of space. Those suckers seem to grow in size once you try and jam them into the diaper bag.

I'm now going to let you in on my secret for finding a diaper bag big enough for the cloth diapers plus everything else in the world: a bag meant for twins.

I bought the Skip Hop Duo Double and I love love love it. I'll be the first to admit that $80 for a diaper bag is a bit ridiculous, but I got mine for a steal. I have the above striped pattern which is retired so it was on sale for 50% off. Tack on a 20% off coupon on top of that and $32 for the perfect bag is much more doable.

As you can see it has a crazy amount of pockets, 3 across the front {each with a magnetic snap}, a mesh pocket with draw string on each end, a large pocket across the back that is divided in two {part of it houses the changing pad}, plus a zip pocket on the back as well! That's just the outside. The inside has 8 more pockets and then an open middle that is deep and wide. The bag has a detachable shoulder strap plus two carrying handles and the clips to hook it on the handles of a stroller.

The amount of stuff I can carry in this bag is mind boggling. Here goes {and yes I'm a huge "just in case" mom}:


  • six cloth diapers {number varies depending on how long we plan to be out}
  • large wet bag
  • extra outfit for Quinn
  • medicine - tylenol, teething tablets, orajel
  • several extra passys and passy wipes
  • container of puffs
  • small insulated bag that holds three containers of food with an ice pack plus spoon
  • 4 soft toy blocks
  • giraffe that clips onto the carrier handle
  • blanket and lovey {sometimes two loveys}
  • wipes container
  • Sophie the Giraffe
  • rattle
  • baby sunglasses
  • two crinkle toys
  • diaper cream
  • changing pad
I still use the Via Messenger as Quinn's daycare bag, but I highly recommend the Duo Double especially if you plan on using cloth. 


  1. Wow! That is a lot of stuff for one little guy. I kid!

    I generally only carry two extra diapers unless I know we'll be out for a while then I just take my medium wet/dry bag for those. I will say I really like the GroVia AIO diapers since they are very trim to pack in a bag.

    I like that you can choose his daycare bag. Our school had a bag they give you but I hate it. It's bulky and awkward.

  2. I wish you had your baby first! Our bag works. Nothing too exciting. You are one prepared momma!
